INTRODUCTION: Package sotid provides a library for computing displacements due to the solid Earth tides using the frequency domain approach. It uses the HW95 expansion of the tide-generating potential. Sotid allows us to compute solid Earth tide displacements with the precision up to 10 microns, what is much greater than the accuracy of the Love numbers. Currently, sotid supports seven models of Love numbers of the 2-nd degree and one model of Love numbers of the 3-rd degree. When new models of Love numbers become available they can be easily integrated in the package. Solid is written in Fortran90 and provides an interface for programs from both Fortran and C. REQUIREMENTS: Fortran90 compiler is required. The following programs should be installed in your system for automatic installation: f90 (or other Fortran90/95 compiler) cc (or gcc) make sed sort INSTALLATION: Read file INSTALL USAGE: sotid provides 5 routines for end-up user. sotid_set -- set configuration of sotid. sotid_pre -- compute internal quantities which depend only on site coordinates. sotid_tim -- compute internal quantities which depend only on time. sotid_dsp -- compute site displacements. sotid_inq -- inquire sotid configuration. sotid provides an interface module SOTID_MODULE and block sotid_data.i for using in Fortran90; header files sotid_type.h, sotid_functions.h and sotid_data.h for using from C. sotid provides example sotid_f90_test.f and sotid_c_test.c . Result of these runs can be found in sotid_test.res Library libsotid.a is created during compilation. It is put in the designated directory defined by LIB_DIR variable defined in sotid.cnf during installation process. You should include this library in our make file or another command file which you use for linking your compilation. Module SOTID_MODULE.mod used for defining the interface in Fortran90 program, file sotid_data.i, header files for C programs sotid_functions.h, sotid_type.h, sotid_data.h are placed in the designated directory defined by INC_DIR variable defined in sotid.cnf during installation process. You should include this file by specifying appropriate flags in compilation time. CONTENTS: 1) source code hw95_out.f sotid_configure.f sotid_dsp.f sotid_err_log.f sotid_f90_test.f sotid_get_love.f sotid_inq.f sotid_module.f sotid_pre.f sotid_set.f sotid_tai_tdb.f sotid_tim.f 2) include files: hw95_2d_0002.i hw95_2d_02.i hw95_3d_0002.i hw95_3d_02.i hw95_out.i love_const.i love_numbers.i sotid_data.i sotid_functions.h sotid_type.h 3) generic headers: 4) Generic Makefile and installation scripts: check_file.csh configure sotid_hpux.cnf sotid_linux.cnf sotid_sunos.cnf 5) Documentation: LICENSE README INSTALL sotid_man.html sotid_test.res BUG REPORTS: Please send them to the author. AUTHOR: Leonid Petrov ( ) HOME WEB PAGE: