2024.05.13 PIMA 2.43 Added support of SFXC a priori delay files in Post-2020 format. That affects all EVN data collected at 2020 and after. Added support of SFXC clock data. 2024.02.26 PIMA 2.42 Fixed regression bugs related to computation of polarization bandpass for cir-cir polarization. 2023.11.18 PIMA 2.41 Buf fix release 2023.01.09 PIMA 2.40 a) Task gepm for generation of phase calibration band pass mask was written. It analysis phase calibration and generates a phase calibration mask generation file. b) Added support of kludge parameters PIMAVAR_APR_GR_DEL, PIMAVAR_APR_PH_RAT, add PIMAVAR_APR_PH_ACC. These parameters define correction to a priori path delay on the fringe reference time. c) Increased the number of supported frequencies from 32 to 64 and the number of frequency groups from 6 to 10. All VLBI experiments processed with prior versions of PIMA have to be re-loaded. d) Changed fits_to_cfd. The new version reports the median flux density at short, long, and mid-range baselines. e) Added support of kludge parameter PIMAVAR_SOU_IGNORE That variable defines a pattern or patterns that are define the line in the source catalogue that are excluded from consideration. If more than one pattern is defined, they are separated by & character. That kludge variable allows to use the same source list for different experiments with conflicting definitions. f) Added support of the input phase calibration at the accumulation period basis. The new PIMA logic computes phase calibration averaged over the scan. Phase calibration is considered as a linear function on time within a scan. Phase calibration rate is computed during averaging. The averaged phase calibration is referred to the mean epoch of a scan. Task pcpl now supports qualifier pcal_type that takes value average or raw. If pcal_type raw is specified, pcpl will show raw phases and amplitudes without averaging. g) Fixed a bug: pf.py did not support correctly resuming in coarse mode. 2022.07.26 PIMA 2.39 a) Added support of 4-band lin-pol VLBI experiments in pir.py b) Added task af in pir.py that computes 4 polarization combinations, XX, XY, YX, and YY for lin-pol data. c) Changed behavior of PIMAVAR_NO_GRRAT: now it effectively sets group delay rate to zero. d) Fixed an important bug: the old version always incorrectly computed group delay when some IFs was masked out: it considered phase of masked IF is zero, but did not set weight to zero. The error may reach up to a nanosecond in some cases. e) Added a new option -resume in pf.py. If pf.py tasks coarse, fine, or allfine have been interrupted, when pf.py is invoked with -resume flag, it will examine fringe file and fringe residual file. It will search backward the latest full record and then restart with the next observation. If the last record is corrupted, f.e. was written only partially, pf.py will discard the corrupted record. f) Fixed a number of bugs related to frequency group combine mode and frequency merge mode. Added hints how to use frequency group combine and merge modes to the user guide. g) Upgraded PIMA to allow processing data with multiple phase centers. h) Added support # SOURCE-NAMES v 2.1 2022.07.24 format of the source catalogue that allows alternative source names specified in the FITS-IDI file to have up to 16 characters. 2021.12.18 PIMA 2.38 a) Fixed splt: the old version did not apply amplitude losses due to smearing. b) Fixed computation of weights in splt when a mask was applied. c) Fixed computation of weights in splt when a segmented average is computed. d) The old version wrote default 0.0 bandpass when a station had the largest SNR below the limit. The new version writes default (1.0, 0.0) e) Fixed renormalization when bandpass with all zero values for a given station was used. f) Some observations may not have phase calibration, probably due to a bug in difx2fits. Added an additional filter to block these observations for being used for bandpass computation if PCAL_USE is not NO. If PCAL_USE is NO, that filter lets these observations through. g) Enforced using the same group delays in phase calibration for processing observations of all polarizations during bandpass computation. h) Added option -full in pf.py task coarse. This option disables simplifications in fringe fitting for speed up. If this option is on, pima coarse mode differs from the fine mode only by not using bandpass. This option is useful for processing the data with few if any observations with SNR > 40 and subsequent bandpass computation. i) Added a new program fits_tim_avr -- a utility for time averaging FITS-UVA calibrated visibility data. The output is written in the file in fits format. Time averaging in seconds is specified. fits_tim_avr starts averaging from first the visibility till it fills a chunks of tim_av_sec long. Then it coherently averages, updates weights, writes down starts again. Usage: fits_tim_avr input_uva tim_av_sec output_uva where the first argument is the input file, the second argument is the averaging interval in seconds, and the third argument is the name of the output file in fits format. Usage: fits_tim_avr input_uva tim_av_sec output_uva where the first argument is the input file, the second argument is the averaging interval in seconds, and the third argument is the name of the output file in fits format. j) Added program get_station_table_from_fits that reads the input file in FITS-IDI and generates the list of station that participated in observations and were used for correlation. k) added program scripts/pima_gen_wis.csh l) Added support of fine-grained pcal station selection. It is a common situation when pcal for one or more station is poor and should not be used. The value of PCAL keyword now accepts and additional qualifier with the list of stations either to use or not to use. Syntax: PCAL: value[:action:[station[:station]...] A separator : (column) or , (comma) between stations is allowed Action is either TO_USE or NOT_TO_USE. The action is case insensitive. If action is TO_USE, then pcal only from the stations form the list will be considered for ising. If action is NOT_TO_USE, then pcal from the stations on the list will not be used. Example: PCAL: USE_ALL:NOT_TO_USE:MEDICINA:NYALE13S:RAEGSMAR:YARRA12M Here phase calibration from the following stations, MEDICINA, NYALE13S, RAEGSMAR, YARRA12M will not be used. PCAL: USE_ALL:to_use:HART15M,KOKEE,WETTZELL Here phase calibration only from the following stations, HART15M,KOKEE,WETTZELL will be used provided the phase is available and was not turned off with task gean. m) Added new Python program pir.py (PIma Run) for further automation. Program pir.py executes elements of the VLBI data analysis pipeline. In total there are 16 elements. Elements can be executed separately, or in the group, or all together. usage: pir.py [-h] [--version] [-v verbosity] [-b band] [-r run-level] [-s] experiment where experiment is the experiment code followed either NRAO, or KVN, or IVS, or KaVA, or EAVN notation. parameter --verbosity that controls verbosiy of the output. 0 -- silent 1 -- normal verbosity (defaults) 2 -- debuggig mode. parameter --band specifies the 1-character long band name. If the exeriment has two bands, the code for the upper band sould be used. parameter --run-level controls which elements or a group of elements of the VLBI data analysis pipeline should be executed. See pir documentation for details. If parameter -s was specified, statically linked PIMA will be used. While the VLBI data pipeline still requires manual steps for its execution, pir.py reduces the number of manual operations to the minimum and automatically runs other steps. n) User guide describing the use of pir.py is updated. 2020.10.27 PIMA 2.37 a) Updated support of dual-polarization observations. Fixed a regression bug that broke fringe fitting in cross-polarization in cur-cir basis. b) Added support of mixed polarization modes cir-lin and lin-cir Caveat: ACCUM and FINE bandpass generation is supported only in cir-cir mode. Will be fixed in the new version. c) Fixed resolving phase ambiguities in bandpass computation. d) Enforced resolving phase ambiguities in phase calibration and storing group delay in phase calibration in the bandpass file. 2020.06.17 PIMA 2.36 a) Added support of multiple repositories in GVF database files implemented in gvh version 20200617. b) Fixed a number of bugs related to polarization bandpass computation with large frequency segments. c) Added support of gain correction when task splt compute time and frequency averaged visibilities. d) PIMA task mkdb now bypasses observations that were not fringed or commented out in the fringe file. e) Fixed a serious regression bug that led to miss to a block(s) of observations when exporting results of fringe fitting to the out geo/astro database. f) Fixed a number of bugs related to task splt when processing wide-field VLBA observations. 2020.05.09 PIMA 2.35 a) Added support of MACOS (DARWIN) operating system. Installation procedure is the same as for Linux b) Added support of the new keyword SPLT.TOTAL_UV. It specifies whether or not to generate output files with the total visibilities averaged over frequency and over all accumulation period over the scan after applying phase rotation for the results of fringe fittings. The total visibilities are referred to the band reference frequency. If YES is specified, the files with total visibilities are written in the same output directories averaged visibilities, in addition to them. The output file is in plain ascii. Format description can be found in file doc/Total_visibilities_format.txt c) Added support of the SPLT.SNR_MIN. It specifies the minimum SNR over the entire scan for the data to be used by splt to export to the output fits-file by task splt. The data from the observation with the SNR less than that limit are not exported. The SNR is defined as the ratio of the fringe amplitude to the mean value of amplitude of noise. If to consider that real and image part of noise are independent and have Gaussian distribution with variance \sigma, the mean amplitude is \sqrt{\pi/2} \approx 1.253 \sigma. The variance of the amplitude noise is \sqrt{2 - \pi/2} \approx 0.655 \sigma. d) Change the beam attenuation model. The old model used expansion coefficients from the VLA beam attenuation pattern scaled for the diameter. The new model uses the theoretical pattern for a uniformly illuminated aperture that is scaled with diameter and frequency. e) Added new dump type created during fits file loading. Now PIMA always write a dump of phase calibration in a plain ascii file with extension .pcl that is placed in EXPER directory. f) Added support of options --noopt and --opt for reconfigure. reconfigure --noopt will cause PIMA to be compiled in the non-optimized mode. PIMA in the non-optimized mode runs significantly slower, but this mode enables more verbose output in a case of crash. reconfigure --opt configures PIMA in the normal optimization mode. g) Fixed a bug related to processing data with more than one frequency groups. The old version incorrectly applied correction to phase, group delay, and phase delay rate for the difference between fringe reference time and scan reference time. The difference in the time tag of the first valid accumulation period between frequency group was not accounted. h) Fixed a bug: the contribution of phase delay rate due to the differences between the a priori source positions used during fringe fitting and for correlation was added to group delay rate, which is wrong. i) Fixed a regression bug in splt introduced in 2019: group delay and phase delay rate was applied twice during data averaging. j) Fixed a regression bug: PIMA always zeroed out dual-pol data if weights at one polarization are zero. The new version of PIMA relaxed check: if check only whether weights of the requested polarization are above the threshold ignoring weights for the polarization that is not requested. k) Fixed a regression bug that prevented computation of bandpass when no pcal was used. l) Fixed a regression bug that caused a crash in bandpass computation when one or more IFs were masked out. m) Made pf.py to honor command line options for tasks map, autm, and pict. n) Removed support of obsolete keyword FRIB.SECONDARY_SNR_MIN and FRIB.SECONDARY_MAX_TRIES. o) Fixed a regression bug: the previous version always used the first pcal tone in the single phase cal tone extraction mode. p) Added support of cable delay measurement system (CDMS) extraction from logs files to antab files. q) Added detection of records with cable calibration that have the same time tag and their removal of duplicate records from further processing. r) Added a support of a kludge environment variable PIMAVAR_NO_INTRP. If it is set to YES, then no cable calibration interpolation is disabled, and the point nearest to the scan reference time is taken. This may be desirable if cable calibration is noisy. s) Changed format of the database output in plain ascii format: cable calibration fields were added. t) Added resolving ambiguity in group delay and phase delay rate due to folding the FFT transform. u) Fixed the algorithm for decomposing phase delay rate, group delay, and group delay rate to support correctly the case when fringe reference time is significantly different for observations of a given scan. v) Fixed a regression bug introduced in 2019: task splt multiplied amplitudes by the primary beam attenuation instead of dividing on it. w) Added support of gfortan-10.1 2020.03.25 PIMA 2.34 a) Added support of resolving group delay ambiguities in phase calibration signal. PIMA computes group delays in phase calibration over the band and over an individual IFs. Now its stores group delays i the bandpass file. Group delay ambiguities for a given observation are resolved with respect to group delays stored in the bandpass files b) Updated the logic that supports a different number of phase calibration tones per IF with different spacing between frequencies of phase calibration tones within a given experiment. 2020.03.08 PIMA 2.33 Bug-fix release. a) Applied time smearing decorrelation b) Updated weighting algorithm in splt: the previous version required at least 8 accumulation periods to compute the statistics. The current version requires at least 8 points per accumulation period. b) Fixed a regression bug: applying the beam attenuation by splt was accidentally lost. c) Fixed a regression bug: applying onof was accidentally dropped. d) Added an extra check for file length in the staging directory: if the file length in the staging directory is shorter than in the primary directory, then it is removed and copied again. 2019.11.27 PIMA 2.32 Bug-fix release. a) Decorrelation factor now takes into account bandwidth and time smearing and corrects fringe amplitude when FRIB.AMPL_EDGE_WINDOW_COR keyword is set to USE. a) Fixed regression bugs that broke acta task. c) The previous version incorrectly computed bandpass for cir-pol data with more than one frequency group. d) support of gvf_20191127 was added. There were minor changes made in database files in GVF format. PIMA 2.32 is compliant with this changes 2019.05.25 PIMA 2.31 a) Improved support of bandpass generation: task bpas now supports all modes of bandpass generation for lin-lin data. b) Added a new column in output fringe files: Decor_tim. That column shows the ratio of the visibility coherently averaged over time to the visibility incoherently averaged over time. c) Added a test for generating a list of observations for bandpass computation: observations with decor_tim less than 0.8 are discarded. This improved robustness of bandpass computation, since the RFI or fringe fitting to phase calibration signal typically have decor_tim < 0.8, while normal observations have decor_tim typically greater 0.9. d) Added a new task gepm for computation of the bandpass mask at frequencies that are the closest to phase calibration tones. e) Moved pima_apriori_update.py to VTD and renamed as vtd_apriori_update.py f) Added setting stacksize and environment variable GOMP_STACKSIZE on start-up of executables. That eliminated necessity to setup stackszie and GOMP_STACKSIZE to avoid a crash during loading the executable. g) Forced shell intermediate files, for instance object files created by the compiler be group readable and group writable. Forced make invoke shell bypassing startup scripts which made running make significantly faster. h) Added ./reconfigure command that re-runs stored configuration. ./reconfigure -d displays the last configuration. 2019.03.08 PIMA 2.30 a) Limited support of visibilities in linear polarization (lin-pol). Support of new values of POLAR: keywords: XX -- horizontal polarization at both antennas YX -- vertical polarization at the 1st antenna and horizontal at the 2nd XY -- horizontal polarization at the 1st antenna and vertical at the 2nd YY -- vertical polarization at both antennas Q -- Stokes parameter Q U -- Stokes parameter U V -- Stokes parameter V ALL -- fringing all combinations: XX, YX, XY, YY ORIG -- fringing all combinations: XX, YX, XY, YY without polarization rotation and without applying native and polarization bandpasses At the moment, PIMA does not supports for lin-pol data 1) producing Q, U, V Stokes polarizations; 2) bandpass computation in modes others than INIT; 3) task splt. These limitations will be lifted in the future. PIMA does not support cir-lin and lin-cir modes yet. PIMA bandpass computation of lin-pol data requires a run of coarse fringe fitting in ORIG polarization. Task coarse of pf.py wrapper does it automatically. b) Support of environment variables in PIMA control file. Format ${VAR_NAME}, where VAR_NAME is an environment variable. PIMA expands the environment variable at any occurrence of the control file. Nested environment variables are supported. c) 4 new fields in fringe output file is added. d) 5 new fields in the database in ascii format is added. e) New Python program pima_apriori_update.py is added to the distribution. As it follows from its name, it updates a priori files used by PIMA and psolve: -- EOP -- 3D TEC time series -- slant path delays -- loading displacements This program requires control file. It downloads relevant data from remote data servers and transforms the output in the form required by VTD. NB: pima_apriori_updat.py requires curl. f) PIMA (as well as petools) can be configured against openblas implementation of the BLAS library. 2018.10.15 PIMA 2.29 This is a bug-fixing release. a) Numerous changes to prevent crashes in an attempt to perform an operation with not-a-number. Operations with non-a-number were acceptable with gfortran prior version 8, but causes segmentation fault exception with version 8.0 and newer. Users of gfortran/gcc-8.0 and newer are strongly encouraged to update fftw to version 3.38. or newer. NB: "make check" is mandatory when fftw is built. There were reported instances that fftw provided wrong results with certain combinations of compiler flags. b) Added configure option --with-curl, since cfitsio-3.42 and newer may be compiled with curl support, and in that case PIMA needs be linked against curl. c) Added support of scans more than 9999 accumulation periods. d) Fixed a bug for computation of the non-linear phase term when a sources is off the pointing direction and its name was changed by name swapping procedure invoked by specifying ^ in the 32-th column of the source name file. e) Fixed a bug in pf.py, task gaco -- the previous version did not check observations against the exclusion list generated from gvh databases that keep the observations suppressed during psolve solution. 2018.06.01 PIMA 2.28 This is mainly a bug-fixing release. a) Adjusted onof algorithm. The previous version turned on the amplitude threshold algorithm in situations when it should not do it, and as a result onof flagged out too many good points. b) Cleaned code for using NERS (bye-bye manual downloading Earth orientation parameter files). Prominent bugs: a) Support of NERS is fixed; b) Task onof did not work correctly for processing dual-band data; c) Bandpass in the accumulation mode did not work correctly. d) Fixed in task mppl related to an attempt to perform arithmetic operation under not-a-number 2017.12.22 PIMA 2.27 a) Added support of a new bandpass generation mode for a situation when the highest SNR is too low (say, less than 25) and normal way of bandpass generation may fail because of large noise. This may happen in processing Radioastron observations. In that case BPS.INTRP_METHOD: LINEAR is set, BPS.MSEG_ACCUM and BPS.NOBS_FINE are set to the half of the number of spectral channels in the IF and BPS.DEG_AMP: 0, BPS.DEG_PHS: 1. In that case PIMA coherently averages the residuals of the observations used for bandpass generation to two points per IF and generate the bandpass using the phase offset and linear trend for phase and one per IF single multiplication factor for amplitude. The only strong requirement for bandpass computation in the mode is that all used observations should be detections. b) Added description of the parameters in the header of the VLBI database in the ascii format written by task mkdb. Added description of these parameters in the documentation. c) Changed interface of the old 32-bit Solve that required Intel Fortran compiler to the modern 64-bit psolve built with gfortran. d) Fixed a number of bugs. 2017.08.31 PIMA 2.26 ===================== a) Added support of new task tsmo for computation of the system temperature model. This task works in two modes: "if" mode and "elevation" model. tsmo in the "if" mode computes the average ratio of Tsys between the IFs of the specified range of IFs. Assuming this ratio is stable over the experiment, PIMA flags Tsys values that have significant difference with respect to the mean ratio. Task tmso in the elevation mode decompose Tsys at a given station into the product of three components T_o * a(t) * b(e), where T_o is the mean Tsys, a(t) and b(e) are functions of time and elevation presented in the form of expansion of B-spline of the 1st degree and normalized to have the minimum value 1.0 Task tsmo detects and flags out outliers. It creates two arrays: modeled Tsys and cleaned Tsys. The modeled Tsys is the output of T_o * a(t) * b(e). Cleaned Tsys is equal to modeled Tsys, except points without measured Tsys or the points that were flagged out. Flagged and missing Tsys values are replaced with modeled Tsys. See documentation for detail. b) Keyword Tsys now supports three values: MEASURED, CLEANED, and MODELED to instruct PIMA which Tsys to use. Old value INTRP is obsolete. PIMA interprets it as a synonym to MEASURED. c) Task tspl now supports new keyword "data" that takes the following values: measured (default) -- tspl displayed measured Tsys; tatm -- tspl displays Tatm (brightness temperature of the atmosphere) computed using the output of the numerical weather model; trec -- tspl displays Trec (receiver temperature) computed after subtraction Tatm from measured Tsys; opacity -- tspl displays atmosphere opacity computed using the output of the numerical weather model; table -- tspl displays a wide table with all parameters related to Tsys. d) Added task opal to pf.py. It exacutes PIMA task opal for the specified experiment and PIMA task tsmo in mode if,elev. If the experiment has the chained control files for two bands and pf.py is called for the high band, task tsmo is executed twice: for the high band and the low band. e) Fixed bugs that often caused computation of modeled Tsys to crash. f) Added support of keyword SCAN_LEN_SKIP by task splt. That means a user has an ability to mask the specified amount of data at the beginning of a scan to prevent propagation of the visibilities that were recorded when antennas were not yet on-source. g) Improved speed of task splt by the factor of 1.5-2.5. 2017.03.16 PIMA 2.25 ===================== a) Made massive changes in handling bandpass computation, bandpass normalization and re-normalization. Summary: aa) forced bandpass normalization to be consistent with voltage normalization; bb) forced computation of amplitude bandpass for the reference stations as square of the geometric mean of power bandpasses at baselines with the reference station; cc) redefined usage of autocorrelation and fringe masks for autocorrelation. It is recommended to re-generate bandpasses if the data are used for imaging. A detailed document that describes the algorithm for amplitude normalization can be found in doc/pima_amp.pdf and http://astrogeo.org/pima/pima_amp.pdf b) Added support of a new value of keyword SPLT.STA_BASED: ALL. When SPLT.STA_BASED: ALL or YES, PIMA performs a procedure that converts baseline-dependent group delays and phase delay rates to station-based for each scan. Input data pass four filter: FRIB.SNR_DETECTION, EXCLUDE_OBS_FILE, INCLUDE_OBS_FILE, and OBS. PIMA uses k observations that passed the filter for computing station-dependent quantities at n stations. If SPLT.STA_BASED: YES, PIMA will use these k observations that part the input filters for generating the output time and frequency averaged visibilities. If SPLT.STA_BASED: ALL, PIMA will use all n*(n+1)/2 observations at baselines between n stations, regardless whether they passed the input filter or not. For instance, if among three observations at baselines AB, AC, BC, the last one did not pass the input filter because, for instance, the SNR below detection limit, if SPLT.STA_BASED: YES, PIMA will generate the output for baselines AB and AC. If SPLT.STA_BASED: ALL, PIMA will generate the output for baselines AB, AC, and BC. c) Added support of a changing source names without changing a priori for a case when a source name is specified in columns 33:42. This name has precedence to names in columns 1:8, 11:20, 23:30. Character ^ at the 32th column tells PIMA to change name of the source specified in columns 33:42 to the name specified in columns 1:8. It will use the a priori positions specified for that sources in columns 46:73. Character ^ at the 32th column is used when we want just to change source name. Using character ^ at the 32th column we can even swap source names. If the field in the column 32 is blank and the field in columns 33:42 contains a source name, PIMA will search a record with the IVS name equal to the string specified in columns 33:40 and it will use the a priori for that record. Blank at the 32th column is used when we want associated source observed under name A to a known source with name B with its a priori positions. The differences between these to cases: 1) when character ^ is used, the a priori specified at the same line are used, while if the 32th columns is blank, a priori for another matching record is used. Since PIMA applies phase correction due to difference between a priori position specified in the source catalogue and the a priori used by the correlator, the result will be different. 2) when character ^ is used, source name swapping is allowed, but name swapping is impossible when blank is used in field 32. d) Added support of the Network Earth Rotation Service in VTD. That means a user do not need to worry any more about downloading files with the Earth orientation parameters: PIMA will do it automatically. Refer to VTD documentation for instructions how to enable NERS. NB: a new dependency on ners library appeared. e) Added 4 new keywords for support of phase transfer of simultaneous multi-band observations: FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_BAND: value NO -- no phase transfer is made control_file -- name of the secondary control file for the lower band of this VLBI experiment. That control file determines the frequency band whether fringe phases should be taken for the phase transfer to the frequencies of the band specified in the main control file. FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_METHOD: method Defines the smoothing method applied to phase before frequency transfer. SPLINE -- phase at the lower band is expanded in B-spline basis with the number of knots specified by keyword FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_DEG LEGENDRE -- phase at the lower band is expanded in Legendre basis with the degree specified by keyword FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_DEG ASIS -- phase at lower band is not expanded and transferred as is. FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_MSEG: segment_length Defines the length of the segment that will be coherently averaged before frequency transfer. segment_length -- The averaging factor for the phase at low band to be used for interpolation before transfer. An integer number in a range [1, NCHN], where NCHN is the number of spectral channels in an IF, or AUTO. Value AUTO forces PIMA to determine segment length in order to have the SNR within a segment no less than 1.5 FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_DEG: degree Defines the degree of the polynomial or the number of knots of B-spline for smoothing phase before frequency transfer. degree -- The meaning of this keyword depends on FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_METHOD. If the expansion basis is LEGENDRE, then FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_DEG is the degree of the Legendre polynomial for expansion of the phase at the low band. If the expansion basis is SPLINE, then FRIB.FRQ_TRANSFER_DEG is the number of spline knots in each intermediate frequency for expansion of the amplitude of the phase at the low band. It is ignored if method is ASIS. As a results of definition of knew keywords, control files should be upgraded and visibility data be reloaded. f) Fixed an important bug in automap.py script: the previous version may skip important steps in image processing and under-CLEAN an image. g) Fixed a bug in mkdb: under some circumstances rounding errors triggered to declare some observations to be out of order and as a result, PIMA did not put them into database; Required updates: upgrade of the control file, petools, ners, spd_client, and vtd. 2016.09.11 PIMA 2.24 ===================== a) Support of beam waveguide antennas, like WARK30M (VTD). The antenna axis offset type for beam waveguide antennas should be specified as BWG, not AZEL in the antenna description file. Ignoring differences between AZEL and BWG mounting type ruins processing dual-band observations. b) New routine for parsing IVS log files for Field system versions 9.11 and newer. Support of usb/lsb and dual-pol data. c) Fixed a bug in computing correction for attenuation of the main beam d) Support of Earth Orientation time series in NERS format (VTD) e) Support of high resolution monitors (DIAGI) Required updates: petools and vtd. 2016.06.26 PIMA 2.23 ===================== a) Fixed a regression bug related to loading phase cal from legacy VLBA calibration file. b) a lot of changes in pf.py wrapper. c) Renames ps.py into pr.py, excluded pm.py wrapper Added automap.py and imadir.py wrappers. d) finished documentation files doc/pima_user_guide.html/.pdf and doc/pima_wrapper.html/pdf 2016.02.29 PIMA 2.22 ===================== a) Completed pf.py script. It is a wrapper around PIMA. Now it includes the following tasks load -- load the experiment, logs -- VLBI log processing, gean -- import calibration information coarse -- coarse fringe fitting bpas -- generation of a complex bandpass fine -- fine fringe fitting mkdb -- export results of fringe fitting into a database in GVF format suitable for Post-Solve mktxt -- export results of fringe fitting into an ascii file gain -- import antenna gain curves splt -- export visibilities averaged over time and frequency after phase rotation for results of fringe fitting autm -- Automated imaging pict -- Generation of pictures of sources images in gif format map -- Automated mapping that includes gain calibration, splitting, imaging, and creation of pictures b) Added an optional configuration parameters --difmap that specifies location of difmap. PIMA script pf.py supports a task (autm) that call difmap for automatic imaging. c) Added an optional configuration parameters --debug that prints debigging output. This may be helpful when configuration does not work as expected. d) Added support of a new task: gaco (GAin COrrection). This task is useful when an experiment with many sources is processed. A new keyword SPLT.GAIN_CORR_FILE specifies a gain correction file. Gain correction file specifies gain correction for each station, each IF. PIMA task splt multiplies visibility by a product of gain corrections for two stations of a baseline. Task gaco requires one or two qualifiers depending on a mode. Task gaco can run in two modes: initialization and computation. The mode is specified by the first qualifier. The first qualifier INIT sets the init mode. Task gaco in the the init mode requires the of the first qualifier. PIMA will create a gain correction file with all corrections equal to that value. When the first qualifier is SOURCE, it sets the computation mode. The value of the qualifier is either a source name or a comma separated list of source names or the name of a file that contains source names, one name per line. This qualifier sets the list of sources that have been imaged. They will be used for deriving gain correction. The second qualifier has value dir. Its value is the directory name that contains both calibrated visibility files created by PIMA task splt and self-calibrated visibility files generated by DIFMAP. PIMA will match visibilities before and after imaging and compute mean visibility amplitudes scale factors for each station, each IF for calibrated visibilities using least squares. Results of this computation is written in the output file specified by keyword SPLT.GAIN_CORR_FILE. PIMA task splt checks wither SPLT.GAIN_CORR_FILE specifies the file with gain correction. If it does, it apples the gain correction, i.e. multiplies visibility by the product of gains at two stations and writes an additional GACO section in the output FITS file with gain corrections and writes the gain corrections into the history section of the FITS file. There are two major use cases. An analyst finds that amplitude at a given station, given IF or range of IFs is unusable, for instance because Tsys is corrupted. Then the analyst first runs task gaco in the init mode and then manually changes gain corrections to affected IFs to zero. As a result, PIMA will bypass these visibilities. The second use case: an analyst processed several strong sources and found that for a given station(s), fringe amplitude requires significant (f.e. more than 20%) correction in each scan. After getting good images of given strong source, an analyst would like to apply these corrections to remaining sources. Task gaco in the source mode allows to compute this correction. This facilitates imaging, especially imaging faint sources and sources with poor uv-coverage. Task gaco honors gain correction used when source images were generated. That means you can re-run gaco several times, and the gain correction will be accounted only once. Task gaco in the source mode honors the previous gain corrections for the stations and IFs that did not contribute to images of the specified sources and keep them unchanged. e) Added subarray consolidation. Since PIMA performs fringe fitting in the baseline mode, an individual scan may not have detections less than N*(N+1)/2 baselines of a N-station network. PIMA designate a subnetwork with detections at a given scan as an subarray. Normally PIMA unites observations of different scans with the same subnetwork in a subarray. PIMA computes station-based visibility phases for each subarray individually. A new keyword SPLT.SUBARRY_CONSOLIDATION was introduced. It controls how subarrays are consolidated after initial process for converting baseline-depended fringe phases into station-based fringe phases. This keyword supports three values: NO, MIN, and MAX. Value NO means to disable subarray consolidation. Value MIN instructs PIMA to preform minimal subarray consolidation: if all stations of subarray A are present in the subarray B, then the subarray B is consolidated with subarray A. Value MAX instructs to preform maximum subarray consolidation: if a subarray has at least one common station with subarray B, both subarrays are consolidated. At the moment, this feature is still considered experimental. Use it at your own risk. PIMA 2.22 depends on VTD-20160229 Since two new keywords were introduced in PIMA-2.22, the control files needs to be upgraded with task upgr. 2016.01.24 PIMA 2.21 ===================== a) Re-wrote support of multiple phase-calibration tones per IF. Fixed the problem when the group delay over group delays is close to -+ 1/2 cycle. b) Added support of specifying the index of the phase calibration tone to use, if the user decides to apply one tone when multiple tones are available. This is done mainly for compatibility, since when multiple phase calibration tones are available, all the tones should be used.w c) Added support of switch -auto in fits_to_radplot. When -auto is specified, fits_to_radplot instead of making a plot of calibrated cross-correlation amplitude versus baseline length will make a plot versus the length of the baseline projection to the direction which makes the scatter of the amplitude with respect to a smoothed curve minimal. d) Improved resistance of PIMA to corrupted data: the previous version of PIMA crashed when autocorrelation was a signaled denormalized number due to data corruption. e) Improved pf.py script. Added support of tasks logs, gean, splt. f) Extended documentation file doc/pima_user_guide.html, although it still is not completed g) Numerous bug fixes. 2015.12.31 PIMA 2.20 ===================== a) Included in the distribution front-end PIMA scripts pf.py, pt.py, ps.py, pm.py . They are wrappers to PIMA. b) Added support of import of the interferometric model generated for the KJCC correlator. c) Finished document doc/pima_02.html "Description of control file keywords of VLBI data processing software PIMA" d) Added an ability to combine results of fringe fitting for task mkdb when the visibility data are two or more frequency groups. Data can be fringed N times with FRQ_GRP: k. Then the fringe files and fringe residual files are combined and used as input for task mkdb with FRQ_GRP: b-e, where b and e are the start and and frequency groups. e) Fixed a bug: the old version may put a small value for the amplitude bandpass at the edge of the IF when 1) spline interpolation is used; 2) the edge spectral channels were masked out; 3) the spectral channel averaging was set > 2. f) Fixed a regression bug related to processing data with estimation of the phase acceleration g) Fixed a regression bug related to processing the data with polarization I when phase calibration was on. The polarization bandpasses created with PIMA prior 2015.12.18 should be re-created. h) Fixed amplitude scaling for data from the SFXC correlator since visibility amplitudes from the SFXC correlator are already scaled for digitization loss in cross-correlation (but not autocorrelation). i) Fixed a bug related to processing merged frequency groups. the autocorrelation index of a chain was wrong. j) Added masking a uv-point with a broken chain of merged frequency group. This prevented a crash if some uv points for a merged frequency group were missing. k) Changed treatment of phase-cal for dual-polarization data. The previous versions used the RR phase cal for both RR and LL data. The new version uses LL phase cal for LL data. As a result old polarization bandpasses must be redone. l) Added support of a new mode in parsing LOG files: DBBC log file with USB/LSB pairs of BBC (mode = 5). m) Fixed several bugs related to processing legacy VLBA calibration data. n) Added support a case when the chained IFs are in separate FITS-IDI files. Fixed treatment of phase calibration for such a case. 2015.09.19 PIMA 2.19 ===================== a) Added a new feature: support of WVR path delays. Four new keywords have been introduced: WVR_FILE: Full path name of the WVR data. At the moment, only form "* WVR_EFL data. Format version 2014.07.24" is supported. More than one file can be specified, one file per station. If no WVR data are available, NO should be used. WVR_USE: WVR usage. Specifies the algorithm for interpolation and smoothing of original WVR data and the contribution of WVR path delay phases should be subtracted from the visibility phases. Supported values: NO -- do not apply visibility phases WVR_3SPL -- Expand original data into smoothing spline of the 3rd degree. WVR_LIN -- Expand original data into smoothing spline of the 1st degree. WVR_AVR -- Expand original data into smoothing spline of the 3rd degree. WVR_SMOOTHING_INTERVAL: interval of the smoothing spline in seconds. 10-40 seconds is usually adequate WVR_SMOOTHING_SIGMA: Reciprocal weight of the constraint imposed on WVR smoothing spline in seconds. The smaller parameter, the close smoothing spline to the averaged path delay. The bigger parameter, the greater fluctuations in WVR phases are allowed. 2.0D-11 is usually adequate. b) Added a new feature: support of the external interferometric model for the SFXC correlator. As of 2015.09.19, the SFXC correlator does not put interferometric model used by the correlator into the FITS-IDI file. PIMA supports task moim ( MOdel IMport) for importing parameters of the delay model from external files. moim pareses two keys : INTMOD_TYPE, and INTMOD_FILE. INTMOD_TYPE defines the format of the external delay file. It should be SFXC when delay files are for the SFXC correlator. INTMOD_FILE defines either individual delay file(s) with extension .del used by the SFXC correlator, or the directory tree(s). More than one lines INTMOD_FILE: can be defined in the control file. If the value of the INTMOD_FILE: is a directory, all files with extension .del in that directories and all sub-directories are parsed. c) PIMA now supports processing the visibilities with unequal IFs that have the same start frequencies and different stop frequencies. PIMA puts them in different frequency groups even if the original FITS-IDI files use only one frequency group. The restriction that the number of spectral channels in all IFs of all FITS-IDI files processed together must be the same is still held. d) Fixed a number of bugs in the installation scripts. Updated control files of examples. PIM-files of PIMA 2.19 are not compatible with early versions of PIMA The control files should be updated by task upgr, and the data should be re-loaded. 2015.06.04 PIMA 2.18 ===================== a) Fixed fringe amplitude re-normalization for the case of mixed 2/4 level quantization. 2015.05.07 PIMA 2.17 ===================== a) Added support of dual-pol phase calibration. The previous version used RR phase calibration when processing I-pol data. In a case of a power reset during the experiment, this may lead to changes of phases between RR and LL polarizations. As a result, RR and LL visibilities were combined into I-pol visibilities incorrectly. b) Fixed a regression bug introduced in version 2.16: applying phase calibration effectively was deactivated and PIMA ignored phase calibration in fringe fitting. c) Added a new task: pdpl -- plot of differences RR and LL phase calibration. Works similar to pcpl. d) Added a new task: pplt -- plot of the polarization bandpass. Works similar to bplt. e) Changed tspl (tsys plot): added an ability to change the intermediate frequency for Tsys plot. 2014.12.31 PIMA 2.16 ===================== a) Added support of a new feature: combination of frequency groups. PIMA has an ability to combine several existing frequency groups and create a new virtual frequency group that contains all IFs of these groups sorted over frequency. PIMA can perform fringe fitting only within a frequency group. In order to mitigate this limitation, frequency combination allows to create a virtual frequency group. The distinction of two similar processes, merging and combination of frequency groups is that merged frequency groups must be observed simultaneously, while combined frequency groups must observed non-simultaneously. Syntax FRQ_GRP: x-y where where x is the minimum frequency group and y is the maximum frequency groups. This syntax has effect only during loading the FITS files. Upon loading PIMA creates a new frequency group with index k+1, where k is the number of frequency groups defined in the FITS-files. When syntax FRQ_GRP: x-y is used for any other task than fits file loading, the frequency group x is used. After loading, the new frequency group can be used. The main motivation of the new feature is to perform fringe fitting over an extra-wide band. b) Two new keywords were introduced for future use: PCAL_MASK_FILE: NO TEC_FILE: NO c) Format of the fringe output was updated: 4 new columns were added to the end: TEC, TEC_RATE, TEC_ERR, TEC_RATE_ERR. PIMA understands both formats: 1.00, 1.01, and new 1.02 versions. 2014.12.02 PIMA 2.15 ===================== a) Added a partial support of a new feature: merging frequency groups. If visibilities are split into several frequency groups, they cannot be processed simultaneously. That means that fringe fitting cannot be done with visibilities in more than one frequency group. Originally, support of frequency groups in FITS-IDI was designed for non-simultaneous data, and this restriction did not pose a problem. However, there are two known situations when fringe fitting across frequency groups is necessary: 1) DiFX may split the data of two sub-bands in different groups; 2) we may want to fringe fit an ultra wide-band recorded with agile frequency switching. New version of PIMA supports the following syntax: FRQ_GRP: x:y where x is the minimum frequency group and y is the maximum frequency groups. If a range of frequency groups is specified, PIMA merges frequency groups from x to y into 1 frequency group. The number of IFs that PIMA sees is increased from n to (x-y+1)*n. So, effectivly, PIMA "sees" the data as if they belong to a large single frequency group. Restriction: the number of IFs in each frequency group should be the same. As of version 2.15, phase calibration, system temperature, and gain are not merged. This will be fixed in next version. b) numerous bug fixes. 2014.11.22 PIMA 2.14 ===================== a) Increased the maximum number of spectral channels from 8192 to 16384 b) Updated the procedure for computation of visibility weights of task splt. The following options are supported: SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: ONE -- all weights are unity. SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: OBS_SNR -- Calibrated amplitude is computed over the observation. The SNR for a given IF is computed based on the SNR over the observation. Rms of noise is computed as a ratio of calibrated amplitude to the SNR over the IF. Weight is reciprocal to the square of noise rms. Thus, the weight is computed for a given IF using all accumulation periods of the observation. SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: OBS_RMS Weighted variance of calibrated visibilities is computed for a given IF using all accumulation periods of a given observation. Weight is reciprocal to the variance. SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: SEG_RMS Weighted variance of calibrated visibilities is computed for a given IF using all accumulation periods over a given segment. Weight is reciprocal to the variance. SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: AUTO If the number of accumulation periods per segment is greater of equal than the threshold (currently 8), WEIGHT_TYPE AUTO is equivalent to WEIGHT_TYPE: SEG_RMS. If the number of accumulation periods per segment is less than the threshold (currently 8), weighted variance of calibrated visibilities is computed over so-called "weights segments". These weight segments are longer than the output visibility segments. Weight for a given IF, given segment is reciprocal to the variance of the weight segment with the middle epoch nearest to the to the epoch of the given segment. c) Fixed a bug in PIMA_SPLT: the previous version normalized the autocorrelation spectrum of only the first station of a baseline, but did not do it for the second sration. d) Added new task onof. The purpose of this task is to flag visibilities at the beginning and/or the end of a scan. At the beginning or/and end of a scan some data may be lost. Using uv with noise instead of signal affect dertimentally imaging. Parsing VLBI log file is supposed to set on-off time of valid recording. However, for a number of reasons information about actual start and end of a scan may not properly propagate to the visilibity file. Task onof is supposed to determine on and off time by analyzing vibilities. It is supposed to run after fringe fitting. After phase rotation for results of fringe fitting, applying all calibrations, and averaging over frequency, calibrated vilisbilites are analyzed. First, the mean and wrms of visibilities over the scan kernel are computed. The scan kernel is a portion of data that are considered free from data losses. Then the data are analyzed backward from the start of a kernel towards the first accumulation period (AP). The visibilites that have amplitude less than the mean ampltidue over a kernel in accordance with a special criteria is flagged out. Flag suppress visilities at all IFs for a given epoch of an AP. The same procedure is repeated forward from the last AP of the kernel to the last AP of the scan. The start and end of the kernel are defined by parameters ONOF.KERNEL_START_SHARE and ONOF.KERNEL_END_SHARE that define the start and end AP of a kernel as a share from the nominal scan length. Three criteria are examined for determining whether the AP is to be flagged out. If the AP amplitude is less than ONOF.AMPL_THRESHOLD share of the mean amplitude over the kernel, the AP status is set as a candidate for flagging. This criterion is not applied if ONOF.NSIG_THRESHOLD = 0. If the AP amplitude is less than ONOF.NSIG_THRESHOLD times of the wrms of fringe amplitude over the kernel, the AP status is set as a candidate for flagging. This criterion is not applied if ONOF.NSIG_THRESHOLD = 0. If status "candidate for flagging" was set to a given AP, the third criteria is checked. If the status "candidate for flagging" was set for ONOF.MIN_LOW_AP consecutive APs, all these APs and remaining APs to be checked either at the beginning or end of a scan are flagged out. ONOF.MIN_LOW_AP = 0, then an AP with "candidate for flagging" status is flaged out. Flags are written in file specified by the keyword TIME_FLAG_FILE. Depending on option ONOF.GEN_FLAGS_MODE, the previous flags for a given scan can be either ignored ( ONOF.GEN_FLAGS_MODE: CREATE ) or honored ( ONOF.GEN_FLAGS_MODE: UPDATE ). In a latter case onof task does not see AP that are flagged out, and therefore, their status cannot be changed. Onof flag is used by PIMA as weight: it multiplies visibility data by flag. Onof operates with values 1.0 or 0.0 only. Options: ONOF.GEN_FLAGS_MODE: [NO, CREATE, UPDATE] NO -- onof procedure is not running CREATE -- original flagging status for a given observation is set to 1.0, i.e. unflag UPDATE -- original flagging status for a given observation is honored. Onof does not see flagged scans and preserves their flag value. ONOF.KERNEL_START_SHARE: The start epoch of the kernel interval defined as an offset with respect to the nominal start time as a share of the scan length. Should be in a range [0, 1]. For instance if the scan length is 100s, and ONOF.KERNEL_START_SHARE: 0.2, then the start epoch of the kernel is 20s. ONOF.KERNEL_END_SHARE: The send epoch of the kernel interval defined as an offset with respect to the nominal start time as a share of the scan length. Should be in a range [0, 1]. For instance if the scan length is 200s, and ONOF.KERNEL_END_SHARE: 0.9, then the start epoch of the kernel is 180s. ONOF.COHERENT_INTERVAL: Interval of coherency in seconds used for computation of mean amplitude. In a case if the kernel interval is longer than the coherency interval, the mean and wrms of visibilites is computed over the shorter coherency interval. If unsure, set it to 1200. ONOF.AMPL_THRESHOLD: Threshold criterion. An AP with amplitude times ONOF.AMPL_THRESHOLD of the mean amplitude over the scan kernel is considered as a candidate for flagging. ONOF.AMPL_THRESHOLD: 0.0 means no amplitude threshold criterion is checked. ONOF.NSIG_THRESHOLD: N-sigma criterion. An AP with amplitude ONOF.AMPL_THRESHOLD times wrms of the visibility over the scan kernel is considered as a candidate for flagging. ONOF.NSIG_THRESHOLD: 0.0 means no amplitude n-sigma criterion is checked. ONOF.MIN_LOW_AP: 0 means that the AP that satisfied flagging criteria ONOF.AMPL_THRESHOLD or ONOF.NSIG_THRESHOLD is flagged out. If ONOF.MIN_LOW_AP > 0, then onof checks how many consecutive APs have low amplitude. If ONOF.MIN_LOW_AP APs has low amplitude, then the rest of the scan portion (before the kernel interval or after kernel interval) is flagged out. If after k APs with low amplitude ( k < ONOF.MIN_LOW_AP ) follows an AP with high amplitude, these k APs are not flagge. NB: This change requires upgrade of control file. Use task upgr for that. 2014.09.18 PIMA 2.13 ===================== Added a rudimentary interface to atmosphere opacity and atmosphere brightness temperature computed from the output of numerical weather models with software SPD (Slant Path Delay) http://astrogeo.org/spd. At the moment, PIMA has an ability to plot atmosphere opacity and sky brightness temperature. a) Added new task opag (OPAcity Generation). Requires spd package installed! Has keyword atmo_dir that requires the value: name of the directory with the state of the atmosphere from numerical weather model in HEB format. It computes the series of atmosphere opacity and antenna brightness temperatures for all stations participated in the VLBI experiment and time epochs within the time range of the session. PIMA prepares the control file for SPD and launches that program which makes all the work. b) Added new task opal (OPAcity Loading). This task loads into PIMA internal data structure the output of computation of SPD that was generated by task opag. c) Extended task tspl (TSys PLot). Now it accepts keyword data that has one of the following values: measured, nwm, and opacity. When value measured is specified, measured system temperature is displayed. When value nwm is specified, atmosphere brightness temperature computed with SPD using the output of numerical weather models is displayed. It is assumed that brightness temperature was loaded to PIMA data structures with task opal. When value opacity is specified, atmosphere opacity computed with SPD using the output of numerical weather models is displayed. It is assumed that brightness temperature was loaded to PIMA data structures with task opal. d) PIMA has new dependency: package spd_client. That tar-ball can be downloaded from http://astrogeo.org/spd 2014.08.24 PIMA 2.12 ===================== a) Added support of kludge environment variables PIMAVAR_MIN_FRG and PIMAVAR_MAX_FRG that set the minimum and maximum frequency group in input FITS-IDI file(s). Other frequency groups are ignored. b) Fixed bpas DEBUG_LEVEL: 21 -- the previous version plotted autocorrelation amplitude (red) for the 1st station of a baseline (which may happen a reference or a remote station). The current version plots autocorrelation amplitude for the remote station. c) Fixed a big in bandpass computation statistics: the phase rms for baselines without the reference station was incorrect. d) requires update of petools and vtd libraries. e) Linked against new version of VTD library. That version supports modeling a priori path delay through the neutral atmosphere using numerical weather models. Requires update of VTD configuration files. 2014.06.19 PIMA 2.11 ===================== Fixed a regression bug acquired in PIMA 2.10: pima splt did not sort sub-arrays. For this reason difmap incorrectly determined a sign of the baseline, lost phase misclosure, and as a result, produced very poor maps. 2014.04.19 PIMA 2.10 ===================== a) Added support of MAX OS (DARWIN). For this reason, PIMA 2.10 requires petools, vtd, gvh, and fourpack of 2014.04.04 or newer. b) Added a new task acta (AutoCorrelation, Time Average). For each scan, each station it generates ascii table with text table of autocorrelation spectrum. The task honors keywords OBS:, INCLUDE_OBS:, EXCLUDE_OBS: keywords. These keywords allow to reduce the scope of the task. If there is more than one observation with a given station in a given scan, PIMA acta selects the one that has the maximum number of accumulation periods. Keywords SCAN_LEN_USED, SCAN_LEN_SKIP set constraints on which accumulation periods will be used for computation of scan average. Keyword FRIB_1D_FRQ_MSEG: controls frequency averaging: how many spectral channels will be averaged together. FRIB_1D_FRQ_MSEG: 1 means no averaging. The output is written in sub-directory EEEE_atb, where EEEE is experiment name specified in the keyword SESS_CODE:. EEEE_atb is placed in the scratch directory specified in the keyword EXPER_DIR:. Output file name has syntax acta_sca_NNNNNNNNNN_SSSSSSSS.txt NNNNNNNNNN -- is 10 characters long scan name; SSSSSSSS -- is 8 characters long station name. Trailing blanks in name components are replaced with underscores. c) Added program acta_plot. It reads an ascii file created by PIMA task acta and visualizes auto spectrum. The optional argument allows to store the plot in file in GIF (.gif), PostScript (.ps), or internal DiaGI format (.sav) depending on extension. e) Added support of DiaGI format in FRIB.1D_DRF_PLOT: keyword. f) fixed a bug in splt that may result in creation of an empty station table in the output FITS file. Difmap cannot process FITS-files with empty station tables. g) Minor bug fixes. 2014.02.25 PIMA 2.09 ===================== Minor bug fixes. 2014.02.08 PIMA 2.08 ===================== a) Added support of the new fine fringe fitting mode: FRIB.FINE_SEARCH: ACC In this mode group delay, phase delay rate, and phase delay acceleration are estimated by fine fringe fitting procedure, while group delay, phase delay rate, and group delay rate are adjusted in FRIB.FINE_SEARCH: LSQ mode. In FRIB.FINE_SEARCH: ACC mode estimates of phase delay acceleration are written in the fringe result file instead of group delay rates. Task splt recognizes what the fringe results file contains and applies either group delay rates of phase delay accelerations depending on the mode of the fine fringe fitting routine that generated them, This fine fringe fitting mode may be combined with PHASE_ACCELERATION or PHASE_ACCEL_MIN/PHASE_ACCEL_MAX. In that case the total phase delay acceleration: a sum of a priori value and its estimate found by fine fringe fitting is written in fringe result file. b) Added support of two new keywords: PHASE_ACCEL_MIN and PHASE_ACCEL_MAX. They specify the range of phase accelerations. Units: 1/s. These two parameters are zero by default. When non-zero, a coarse fringe fitting is done with iterations with trial a priori accelerations. A priori trial phase delay accelerations are in a range from PHASE_ACCEL_MIN to PHASE_ACCEL_MAX with equal step. The step of a priori phase delay accelerations is chosen automatically in such a way that when the phase acceleration value equal to that step is applied to visibility data, the maximum phase change does not exceed 1/3 of the phase turn (2 rad). When PHASE_ACCEL_MIN and PHASE_ACCEL_MAX are not zero, coarse fringe fitting selects fringe fitting parameters in three-dimensional space: group delay, phase delay rate, and phase delay acceleration. Phase delay acceleration that corresponds to the fringe amplitude maximum is applied to visibility data before fine fringe fitting mode. In FRIB.FINE_SEARCH: LSQ fine fringe fitting mode, phase delay rate, group delay, and group delay rate are adjusted and written in fringe fitting result file, and phase delay acceleration information is lost. Usually, this is undesirable. In the case of FRIB.FINE_SEARCH: ACC, group delay, phase delay rate, and phase delay acceleration are adjusted and the total value of phase delay acceleration (from coarse fringe fitting and fine fringe fitting) is written in fringe fitting result file. This phase delay acceleration will be used by splt task. PHASE_ACCEL_MIN, PHASE_ACCEL_MAX, PHASE_ACCELERATION, and FRIB.FINE_SEARCH: ACC are mainly designed for processing data of space-VLBI experiments. PHASE_ACCELERATION and non-zero PHASE_ACCEL_MIN/PHASE_ACCEL_MAX are not compatible. 2014.01.16 PIMA 2.07 ===================== a) Cleaned code for computation of output visibility weights for task splt. b) Re-enabled option SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: SNR. c) Added support of environment variable PIMAVAR_SPLT_SUB_SRT If it is set to YES, then task splt sets segment reference time to the subarray reference time. Subarray reference time is the weighted epoch of a subarray rounded to 1 sec. In general, subarray reference time is outside segment start-stop time. This an experimental option. It may have undesirable side effects. Use it at your risk. d) Updated fits_to_radplot. If extension of the output file is ".txt", then no plot is produced, but the table with visibilities and weights is written in the output file. e) Fixed a bug related to computation of output visibility weights when SPLT.WEIGHT_TYPE: SNR option was used. 2014.01.07 PIMA 2.06 ===================== Increase the maximum number of phase tines from 2 to 32. 2013.12.27 PIMA 2.05 ===================== Fixed a bug related to processing quasi-simultaneous multifrequency data: the old version may incorrectly set the scan start time. 2013.11.23 PIMA 2.03 ===================== a) Changed behavior when an single-baseline scan not assigned to a subarray is found by splt: the previous version stopped with an error message. The new version discard an observation and continues. b) Fixed plotting autocorrelation: plotting routine incorrectly normalized bandpass when the first displayed IF had index > 1. c) Accelerated significantly auxiliary programs fits_to_map and fits_to_cfd d) Fixed a bug in fits_to_radplot that ignored deselected points (weight < 0.0) in dual-polarization data 2013.10.31 PIMA 2.02 ===================== a) fixed a bug: wrong Stokes code was generated by splt task if LL polarization was used. b) PIMA splt choked when processed the data in baseline based mode. 2013.10.25 PIMA 2.01 ===================== a) Code for correcting group delay rate for significant correction to a priori source positions in splt task was accidentally removed. This affected sources with corrections to a priori positions exceeding 0".3. 2013.10.08 PIMA 2.00 ===================== 1) PIMA was upgraded to generate output visibility files suitable for imaging with DIFMAP. Support of dual polarizations RR and LL was added. Support of sub-arrays was added. 2) PIMA was upgraded to support observations with an orbiting station. 3) PIMA was upgraded to process correctly observations far from pointing direction. 4) Procedure for computing complex bandpass was upgraded to support modeling the bandpass frequency dependence with B-splines. 5) Added new programs fits_to_map -- show the map stored in FITS-image file. fits_to_radplot -- show the dependence of amplitudes of visibilities averaged over time and frequency as a function of baseline length. fits_to_uvplot -- show the dependence of projections of baseline vectors to the plane normal to the source. fits_to_cfd -- compute statistics of image extra_gain -- extract and print gain corrections determined by the self-calibration process corr_gain -- applying amplitude corrections to visibilities in the input FITS-file using the input table of gain corrections. 2012.12.31 ========== 1) PIMA requires fourpack library of 2012.12.31 or newer. This library in turn requires FFTW compiled with OpenMP support. It was found that fftw-3.3.3 when compiled with threads support and linked against openmp library crashes or hangs when attempts to perform FFT of an array longer than 0.002Tb. 2) Increased limit PIM__MUV ( Maximal number of UV points in a scan ) from 8192 to 65536. This allows to fringe fit scans 512 s long with AP length 8 ms (1/128 s). 3) Added new keyword in PIMA control file: STAGING_DIR This keyword specifies the name of staging directory. When the name of staging directory is specified, PIMA first checks whether the directory has all files with visibilities. If not, then PIMA removes all files from that directory and copies there files with visibilities. If drive where the staging directory is significantly faster than the directory with UV data specified UV_FITS keyword(s), PIMA will run faster. It is recommended to have SSD RAID-0 disk arrays for staging directory. 4) Added support of value TXT for keywords FRIB.2D_FRINGE_PLOT FRIB.1D_RESFRQ_PLOT FRIB.1D_RESTIM_PLOT FRIB.1D_DRF_PLOT If value TXT are specified for these keywords, PIMA generates a text style "plot": it writes an ascii table of arguments and values in '1D text table' or '2D text table' format with auxiliary information. These table can be used for making plots with an alternative software. 5) Fixed a number of bugs related to processing pathological observations that have only one datapoint. 6) Developed an auxiliary program fft_speed_test that checks FFT test. This allows to see whether you have really fast FFT Added pima/share/pima_wis_huge.inp for large 2D FFT transforms, up to 32Gb. 2012.10.08 ========== Control file format was changed: three new keywords were added. The old control files should be upgraded using task upgr. The new release requires updated petools-20121008. 1) Fixed SPLT task. The previous version produced wrong results when a correction for a quadratic term in fringe phase due to large differences in a priori source positions phase was made. Reduced the threshold for applying phase correction due to a priori source position differences. 2) Added support of a priori phase_acceleration which now can be specified in the control file; 3) Added support of computation of a priori path delay for Radioastron 4) Added support of modeling complex bandpass in a form of expansion over B-spline basis. 5) Added program uva_merge that processes several input files with visibilities in FITS format for the same source and merges them together. 6) Fixed a bug: the previous version incorrectly set reference frequency when the first IF of a band is LSB. 7) Improved speed by adding parallelization in three more places in fringe fitting algorithm. Improved speed by one and half order of magnitudes for a case when the number of spectral channels in one IF exceeded 256. 2012.08.24 1) Replaced fast_fft library with fourpack ========== 2) Updated parse_log for accepting Tsys from digital BBC. 2012.08.14 The first public release. ==========